Recent studies found that cataract surgery can lower your risk of having a car accident. Being able to see better enhances your safety in a variety of ways. Keep reading to learn more about how having cataracts removed can make you safer driving!
Cataracts form as part of the natural aging process. They happen when the crystalline lens in your eye becomes cloudy. This affects your vision in several ways. It can make your vision blurry and make it difficult to see contrast, especially in low light.
It also can make you more nearsighted. But another common symptom is intense glare. Cataracts make the glare from bright lights especially harsh in the dark. This can cause major issues when driving.
Driving With Cataracts
When driving with cataracts, especially at night, it becomes very difficult to see. When you have cataracts, it’s harder to see in low light. Glare from headlights becomes almost blinding as well.
This makes it hard to see right, or to look right at the road when you’re driving at night. Because of this, it isn’t a surprise that having cataracts makes you more likely to have a car accident! But having your cataracts removed eliminates that added risk.
Cataract Surgery
Cataract surgery is the most common surgery in the United States. It’s simple, effective, and safe. When getting cataract surgery, the cataract is removed. To remove the cataract, your cataract surgeon will make an incision in your eye. They then use an instrument to break up the cataract through the incision.
At this point, the broken pieces of the cataract are sucked out of the eye. An artificial lens, also known as an IOL (intraocular lens) gets put in to replace the natural lens.
Cataract surgery is quick and effective and removes the cataract in your eye. After having cataract removal surgery, your cataracts cannot grow back. You could develop a “secondary cataract” around the IOL but it is easy to remove.
Cataract surgery gets recommended when cataracts are affecting your quality of life. If you find everyday tasks like driving are more difficult, it’s time to get your cataract removed.
Why Should I Get My Cataracts Removed?
Cataract surgery is elective but highly recommended. If cataracts go untreated, your vision will continue to worsen. You may eventually be blind because of severe vision obstruction. Cataract surgery is performed on millions of patients, each year. Living with obstructed vision doesn’t have to be your fate!
Besides making everyday tasks more difficult, it’s dangerous. This is especially true if you still drive! Cataracts will make driving extremely difficult.
This will only get worse as your cataract continues developing. An untreated cataract makes you more likely to get into car accidents. Driving with cataracts is like trying to see through a constantly foggy windshield. Keep you and your family safe by getting cataract surgery! Your vision will thank you.
Want to learn more about cataract surgery? Schedule a consultation with the experts at Ellis Eye & Laser Medical Center today!