So you’ve decided to get LASIK after finding out you’re a LASIK candidate. Congratulations! You’re on your way to having better vision and never having to worry about glasses or contacts again.
But getting any kind of surgery, no matter how minor, can make anyone a little nervous. One of the best ways to fight nerves is to know what to expect and to prepare for the day. Here are five ways you can do just that when you get LASIK:
1. Stop Wearing Contacts
When you schedule your surgery date for LASIK, your doctor will want you to stop wearing your contacts 2-3 weeks before surgery. This is because contacts can temporarily change the shape of your cornea.
By not wearing contacts, your LASIK procedure will be much more accurate. They can also contribute to dry eye. If you wear soft contacts, you should stop wearing them two weeks before surgery. If you wear RGP or GP contacts, you should stop wearing them three weeks before you have LASIK.
2. Get a Ride
Arrange to have someone who can drive you to and from your LASIK procedure. LASIK is an outpatient procedure, so you’ll go home the same day you get surgery.
The procedure itself doesn’t take that long, either, so your ride won’t have to wait for hours and hours in the lobby. You may also want to ask your ride if they can help you inside and be available. After having LASIK, you’ll need to take it easy for a day or two.
3. Clean Your Face Completely
On the day of LASIK, make sure you have nothing on your face. This means no makeup, lotions, creams, or perfume.
To get rid of any residue on the morning of your surgery, make sure to give your face a good wash. This will lower your risk of infection.
The last thing you want is to have any contaminants get in your eye during LASIK. Your surgeon will also cleanse the area around your eyes, but it’s always best to be safe when it comes to any surgery.
4. Take Medications and Eat as Usual
For many surgeries that involve general anesthesia, you can’t eat or drink the night or day of surgery. But LASIK doesn’t use general anesthesia, only local anesthetic in the form of numbing eye drops.
So you can, and should, eat a good breakfast before you have LASIK. You should also take your medications as you normally would.
In rare cases, your doctor may not want you to take certain medications. If this is the case, they will let you know far enough in advance. Be sure that you’re honest and follow their instructions carefully.
5. Talk to Your Surgeon and Surgical Staff
When you’re about to go into surgery to have LASIK, be sure to ask questions and voice any concerns you may have. You’ll probably be told everything you need to know about what to do during and after surgery, but clarification never hurts.
If something you’re concerned about isn’t covered, don’t hesitate to ask. You want to be able to do what you need to and you need to know what to expect.
Having realistic expectations is a key component when it comes to success with LASIK. So be open with your surgeon and their team. They’re there to give you the best surgical experience they can.
Have questions about LASIK or other vision correction procedures? Schedule an appointment at Ellis Eye in San Francisco, CA today!