LASIK is more popular than ever. It isn’t surprising considering the success rate of LASIK surgery.
Advanced technology has made LASIK even more effective and safe than it’s been in the past. So many different places all over the country now offer LASIK, making it much more accessible, too.
If you’re considering LASIK, great! LASIK can replace the need for glasses or contacts and allow you total visual freedom.
It’s something to think about if you want perfect vision. But before you go ahead with surgery, here are a few things you should know about LASIK first!
Most People Qualify, But Not All
To have LASIK, you need to meet some basic qualifications. Most people who are 21 or older and are in good health qualify.
But if your prescription is too strong or your corneas are too thin, it may not be safe to have LASIK. LASIK surgeons tend to screen out 10-15% of patients.
But if you don’t qualify, don’t worry! There are alternative procedures that many eye surgeons offer. Once you’re screened, your surgeon will likely tell you about these alternatives.
Perfect Vision is Likely But Not Guaranteed
Something like 96% of patients ends up with 20/20 vision or better after LASIK. For custom LASIK, that percentage is almost 100.
But there is a chance that you won’t achieve 20/20 vision if you get LASIK. Any surgery carries some risk, LASIK included.
It’s important to have realistic expectations before having a procedure like LASIK.
You’ll Be Awake for the Surgery, But It Will Be Painless
Being awake for surgery makes some people nervous. But for LASIK, your eyes will be numbed for surgery so you won’t feel any pain.
The anesthetic doesn’t even need to be administered with a needle! The surgeon just puts in a few eye drops that make your eyes numb.
Some surgeons also give their patients a mild sedative to help them relax and be comfortable. The numbing eye drops tend to wear off a few hours after getting LASIK. This is a good time to take a nap and get a head start on the healing process!
You Will Be Able to See Some Results, But Not All, Immediately
Once you have LASIK, you will be able to notice visual improvement right away. Most patients notice that their vision has significantly improved only hours after LASIK.
You won’t see the height of your visual improvement until your eyes are completely healed. This can take a few months.
Recovering after LASIK is all about rest and relaxation. Your eyes will be more sensitive than normal, but it’s temporary.
You may experience some irritation and slight pain, but it goes away after a few days. As your eyes recover, you’ll notice your vision continues getting better and better.
It takes some time for your eyes to get used to their new normal, but it’s so worth it!
Ready to see if LASIK could be right for you? Schedule a LASIK consultation at Ellis Eye in San Francisco, CA today!
Trust us when we say it’s worth it to find out if clear vision could be in your future thanks to LASIK!